Having drawn professionally for over 35 years, I have had the pleasure of working for publishers such as DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Image, Valiant, Cross Gen and an ever growing number of independents. Some of the titles I have worked on include, but are not limited to: “Captain America and the Falcon”(Marvel), “Blade”(Marvel), “Justice League Europe”(DC), “Legend Of the Dark Knight”(DC), “X-O Manowar”( Valiant), “Turok”(Valiant), “Conan” (Dark Horse), and “The Helm”(DarkHorse)
I've worked extensively in the toy and gaming industry designing, “C.O.P.S,” “GI Joe” and “WWF” toys for Hasbro and years of X-Men figures for Toy Biz and producing concept art for multiple unpublished titles for video game publishers.
To my amazement and delight, I have inspired a generation of artists with the art tutorial column “Brutes & Babes” that ran in Wizard Magazine. This unexpected love for the cult classic columns has inspired me to create new lessons, online content and the series of how-to-draw books, “Drawing Powerful Heroes” and the upcoming “The Splash Page!”
My passion has always been telling relentless, powerful, compelling tales of heroes, through both art and story. Join me as I create new realms of heroic fiction with projects such as “Maiden,” “Giantkillers,” “The Black Ruins of Aramoor,” and many, many more.
All my best,
Bart Sears
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